Thursday, October 24, 2013

Darby Smart Purse

I got a lovely package from Darby Smart through a Klout perk the other day. I was just being all moody as to not getting anything cool in the mail lately, and 2 hours later, the package came! If that's not divine intervention, I don't know what is.

Darby Smart is a pretty nifty "surprise boxes" service, sending cool modern looking DIY kits, most look fun and good for DIY beginners.

I got a cute kit that contained a nice quality large blue clutch, fabric glue and gold studs.

I did like the clutch, but I have to say, golden studs are really not my thing, also, this color blue is really not me... So I had to figure out what to do with this, the one thing this shiny color reminded me, is a finish on a car, so I thought, it would look great with some pin-striping. 

After researching online for a while, I found a design that I really like.

I traced the design on tracing paper with pencil, then taped in facing down to the purse and rubbed the pencil on the purse with the blunt end of the pencil. 

Then I used liquid acrylic to go over the the pencil. The purse was treated with something, so at first, the lines did not turned out very crisp, But I went over my line over a couple of times.

And, Surprise! I actually managed to incorporate a couple of those golden studs! 

I'm really happy with how this turned out, I have a work meeting on Monday, and think this is sharp enough, and cool looking enough to be my purse of choice! Thanks Darby Smart and Klout for a fun productive evening!